- Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. Give Him praise forever.
- Thank God for the victory He has granted to every one of us. Praise Him for your life will never remain the same after this period of fasting and prayer.
- Thank God for speedy manifestations, breakthroughs, restorations, divine assistance, miracles, signs, and wonders.
- Praise God for the influx of souls in the thousands to STBC.
- Praise God for our new church building. The land, resources, location, and materials are supernaturally made available to us in the name of Jesus.
- Give God praise for destroying every works and agenda of the enemy against your destiny and your church STBC. We are matching on with triumphant entry into our wealthy places.
- Praise God for the unusual outpouring of His Spirit. Praise Him for a continuous revelation of different dimensions of God so we can grow in His love.
- Count your blessings. Name them individually and give God praise for those areas of your life He has shown Himself strong and mighty.
- Sing unto the Lord a new song. Praise Him and let everything that is within you give Him praise.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, rain up on all agents of the devil arrayed against this church with snares, fire, and brimstone; thereby silencing them forever.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, wherever the agents of the devil gather to plan any hurt against this church and the individual members, let the fire of God descend to consume them, resulting in the influx of multitudes into this church this year.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and scatter every confederacy and gang up against the continuous growth of this church, thereby turning this church into a city without walls this year. Psalms 8:1β2.
You are wealthy, healthy, wise, and under Open Heaven. Remain in that consciousness and see the manifestation.
~ Apostle Ese Duke~